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sidneyshitcunt 9:23 Tue Nov 24
Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
I've developed a mystery medical complaint that I keep going to doctors with and they have no fucking clue what it is and keep saying it doesn't fit any medical description.

- Drinking alcohol makes me feel - without being dramatic - 'like I'm dieing'.

- Eating bread, pizza, anything with yeast in makes my neck glands (thyroid? lymph?) pulse in a painful, afflicted possibly allergic manner.

- Budweiser isn't so bad as say Staropramen which makes me sensitive to sound and short of breath.

But here's the tricky part...

- Even COCA COLA (sugar? CITRIC ACID??) and SYRUP in coffee (fructose syrup?) is making me sensitive to sound and very ill.

Apologies for being a chancer posting here but maybe someone can help.

Am I allergic to yeast? (I am confused between being allergic to yeast and being over-ran with yeast fungus which I understand is something else).

My doctor says "you can't be allergic to yeast" not in so many words "it isn't something we see typically, you might be gluten intolerant".

Being gluten intolerant doesn't make you short of breath on drinking real ale/coca cola you QUACK!

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

The Dursley Massive 10:02 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
Spot on bruuuno, crisps, marmite on buttery toast, both sort my hangovers out a treat.

The Dursley Massive 10:01 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
I've just eaten some flatbreads that I'd stuffed with grilled halloumi, red onion and peppers. Chipotle spices on the halloumi. Plus humous and cucumber slices.

It was fucking brilliant.

That is all.

bruuuno 9:00 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
..sounds perfect for a hungover soldo.. Body loses salts through dehydration, wheat crunches are bang full of salt.. Your body knows

Northern Sold 5:31 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
I was so hungover Monday morning (bad long night and a lock in... I woke up in bed in the morning in my jeans and lacoste jumper whilst cuddling a Timberland boot) that I could not face my usual 2 bowls of Cheerios so I ate 4 bags of wheat crunchies (bacon flavour)

mashed in maryland 4:45 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
I reckon the "food pyramid" and all that is a load of bollocks. There is absolutely no need for us to eat so much (usually processed) carbohydrate.

Then again here I am eating a packet of crisps.

bruuuno 4:41 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
Mashed speaks the truff here, so much of what forms the staple I our diet is stuff that humans shouldn't really eat. The average diet is fucking awful but a poor diet is so common that people don't realise it.

joyo 4:22 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
You the BREAD winner in your household?

Nurse Ratched 4:19 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness



Gruesome Dump 3:56 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
I think we can all agree Lloyd Grossman isn't a noofter.

That's cut you short.

Fake Catholic meat eater BENDER.

i-Ron 3:29 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
I had garlic bread with pasta once, but I didn't fancy the male waiter much.

Nurse Ratched 3:27 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
Men who eat pasta and bread = gay.

Far Cough 3:18 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
So you have a dicky stomach then?


Northern Sold 2:50 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
Far Cough 1:55 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness

Sold, what do you take it for, do you have a dicky stomach like ronnie?

Well I was born with a duodenal ulcer that burst when I was 17 but it's nothing to do with that app'... just massive over acidic gut... thought I was having a cardiac about a year or so ago... heart fine so thought it might be a hiatus hernia so had a look down the old gut and found it gurgling away... by the first tablet I was a different man... only thing I cannot eat is bananas anmd apples... doubles up then otherwise I can eat and drink what I want... take one 30mg a day and if I miss a day boy do I know it... great stuff as was the original course of treatment that caused the bacterial based duodenal ulcer

Nurse Ratched 2:44 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
Make pesto sauce. Taste it and adjust seasoning. Taste a bit more. End up scoffing it all by the spoonful and digging around the food processor bowl and blades with your fingers for the rest. Throw away shitty pasta, untouched. Eat some cheese and fruit. This is a sensible way to go about things.

Far Cough 2:40 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
ron, I only take it because daily aspirin can fuck up your stomach not for anything food related, I can eat almost anything

i-Ron 2:38 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
Far Cough 1:36 Wed Nov 25

I had Lanso when I had to take steroids for a few months.

As soon as I come off them I struggled again until the doc gave me omez.

Like Sold said, life saver. I worry when I haven't got any on me and go out.

I gave my mate a couple in Amsterdam after we had shit loads of food and he was dying with gut ache and he couldn't believe how good they were.

mashed in maryland 2:36 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
Seriously, cut pasta out for a few weeks and you won't miss it.

Excess of carbs is UNNECESSARY and potentially harmful.

mashed in maryland 2:36 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
I'm backing my opinion up with FACTS.

Far Cough 2:35 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
I'm outa here, Mashed is on a mission

Far Cough 2:34 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
It's my opinion, it's great, yes

Your opinion that pasta is shit or stodge, then I disagree

mashed in maryland 2:34 Wed Nov 25
Re: Medical Advice needed (non-sexual) mystery illness
Basically if you wouldn't eat something on it's own without being covered in something else, then it's not "great".

Pasta is just a bulking agent.

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